Solutions for the Region,
Solutions for the World

Centers and Initiatives

Policy Solution Centers

The UCR School of Public Policy is home to several research centers that partner closely with policy agencies and community organizations.

Center for Community Solutions Logo

Center for Community Solutions

The Center for Community Solutions aims to contribute to the growth and prosperity of the region by helping to ground public decision in credible research, fostering knowledge exchange across diverse constituencies, and developing the next generation of policy leaders.

Kim Saruwatari

Center of Crime and Justice Studies

The Center of Crime and Justice Studies conducts empirical research on crime and the criminal justice system in order to inform evidence-based practices and policies in the Inland Empire and across California.

Center for Geospatial Sciences

The Center for Geospatial Sciences (CGS) promotes transdisciplinary approaches to problem solving, leveraging spatial analytics, geocomputation and geoinformatics techniques for enhancing decision making and improving public policy.


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