Solutions for the Region,
Solutions for the World


The UCR School of Public Policy faculty are more than just scholars — they are also innovative leaders in their respective policy fields who are dedicated to research. As such, several of our faculty have been awarded and recognized by prestigious organizations. The most recent award recipients include the following faculty members:



Kurt Schwabe

The Fulbright Distinguished Chair in Science, Technology and Innovation (2023-2024)

Award recipient: Kurt Schwabe

Awards in the Fulbright Distinguished Chairs Program are viewed as among the most prestigious appointments in the Fulbright Scholar Program. Fulbright scholars engage in cutting-edge research and expand their professional networks, often continuing research collaborations started abroad and laying groundwork for future partnerships between institutions. 

Read the UCR News Article




Ariel Dinar

Best Scientists for 2023

Award recipient: Ariel Dinar

Distinguished Professor of Environmental Economics and Policy Ariel Dinar is among the Top 500 Best Scientists for 2023 in the field of Economics and Finance based on an analysis of the citations of Professor Dinar's scholarly work by 

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Ran Wei

Chuck ReVelle Rising Star Award (2021)

Award recipient: Ran Wei

The Chuck ReVelle Rising Star Award is a biannual honor awarded to a scholar within eight years of receiving their Ph.D. who has made a significant contribution to location analysis research and displays the potential to continue to do so. This is a high honor award within the locational analysis community.

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