Solutions for the Region,
Solutions for the World

MD/MPP Program

Are You an MD Student Interested in an MPP?

The UCR School of Public Policy offers a concurrent MD/MPP degree program. For more information, contact

  • Students interested in the concurrent degree program will have already been admitted to the School of Medicine. Students interested in the concurrent degree program will apply to the School of Public Policy during the fall of their third year in medical school. Students will apply through the regular MPP application process.
  • Students in the concurrent degree program will spend the first three years (two years of basic sciences coursework and a year of core clinical clerkships) at the School of Medicine.
  • After admission into the program (i.e. acceptance by the School of Public Policy), students will spend a full academic year at the School of Public Policy.
  • After completion of MPP coursework, students will finish their last year of medical school and apply for residency. During the 4th year of medical school (5th and final year of the concurrent degree program), students in the concurrent degree program will work on their health policy capstone project.


Jonathan Scott
"I decided to join the MPP program so I could better serve my patients; I want to help them not just with their ailments but with their situations as well. I realized how important holistic care was when I was selected to serve as the medical student representative for the Riverside Free Clinic. There, I saw the difficulties that the patients in the free clinic faced, which were particularly poignant during the enrollment period for Obamacare. Because of that legislation, fewer people needed our clinic, but those who were not able to benefit from it were incredibly frustrated by it. This experience highlighted that I needed to understand more than ailments to help my patients. I decided I wanted to improve their lives before they came into the hospital and to join the MPP program."
Jonathan Scott
MD/MPP '19
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