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Solutions for the World

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"There was a time in our history... that once someone is convicted of doing something, we sort of throw them away... and then when they come out, having been in that environment, we're somehow surprised that things didn't get better."

-       Western Riverside Council of Governments Executive Director Kurt Wilson on the topic of the evolution of reintegration processes into society, post-incarceration.

A Look at Our Seasons

Listen to various voices in the public policy world discussing potential solutions to important policy challenges, be they about health, the economy, the environment, or other societal problems impacting families in your community or across the globe.

The podcast series is a production of the Dean's Brand Ambassadors of the UCR School of Public Policy.

Meet the Host


Rachel Strausman

Rachel is currently an undergraduate public policy major at UCR with an emphasis on policy institutions & processes and international / foreign policy.

Rachel is Dean's Chief Ambassador and Sr. Public Affairs Student Assistant at the SPP. 

Past Podcast Hosts



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