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Journal Articles

  • 2023

    Valdez, C.R., Ayón, Cecilia, Barajas-Gonzalez, R.G., Brabeck, K., Rojas-Flores, L., Walsdorf, A. (2023). Clinical Implications of an Immigration-Related Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Framework for Latinx Children of Immigrant Parents. In: Portwood, S.G., Lawler, M.J., Roberts, M.C. (eds) Handbook of Adverse Childhood Experiences. Issues in Clinical Child Psychology. Springer, Cham.

    Hagan, M.J., Hernandez, M.M., Enriquez, L.E., Ayón, Cecilia. Immigration Status, Legal Vulnerability, and Suicidal/Self-harm Ideation Disparities Among Immigrant-Origin Latinx Young Adults in the U.S.. J. Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities (2023).

    Rodriguez, V. E., Enriquez, L. E., Ro, A., & Ayón, Cecilia (2023). Immigration-Related Discrimination and Mental Health among Latino Undocumented Students and U.S. Citizen Students with Undocumented Parents: A Mixed-Methods Investigation. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 0(0).

    Monica Cornejo, Cecilia Ayón & Laura E. Enriquez (2023) A latent profile analysis of U.S. undocumented college students’ advocacy communication strategies and its relationship with health, Journal of Applied Communication Research, 51:3, 262-282, DOI: 10.1080/00909882.2022.2121172

    Nieri, T., Ramachandran, M., Bruckner, T., Link, Bruce, & Ayón, Cecilia (2023). Sanctuary city policies and Latinx immigrant mental health in California. UC Riverside. Report #: 101319. Retrieved from

    Cecilia Ayón and others, Retirement Is Not an Option for the Undocumented: Undocumented Latinx Older Adults’ Perceptions of Financial (In)security in the United States, Social Work Research, Volume 47, Issue 1, March 2023, Pages 18–33,

    Roscigno, V. J., Lee, E. M., Hurst, A. L., Brady, David, King, C. R., Abraham Jack, A., Delaney, K. J., McDermott, M., Muñoz, J., Johnson, W., Francis, R. D., Warnock, D., & Weigers Vitullo, M. (2023). Mobility and Inequality in the Professoriate: How and Why First-Generation and Working-Class Backgrounds Matter. Socius, 9.

    Brady, David, Gao, M., Guerra, C., Kohler, U., & Link, B. (2023). The long term relationship between childhood Medicaid expansions and severe chronic conditions in adulthood. Social Policy & Administration, 1–22.

    Brady, David, Kohler U, Zheng H. Novel Estimates of Mortality Associated With Poverty in the US. JAMA Intern Med. 2023;183(6):618–619. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2023.0276

    Brady, David, Curran, M., & Carpiano, Richard M. (2023). A test of the predictive validity of relative versus absolute income for self-reported health and well-being in the United States. Demographic Research, 48, 775–808.

    Ulibarri, N., Valencia-Uribe, C., Sanders, B. F., Schubert, J., Matthew, R., Forman, F., Allaire, M., & Brady, David. (2023). Framing the Problem of Flood Risk and Flood Management in Metropolitan Los Angeles. Weather, Climate, and Society15(1), 45-58.

    Sanders, B.F., Schubert, J.E., Kahl, D.T., Brady, Davidet al. Large and inequitable flood risks in Los Angeles, California. Nat Sustain 6, 47–57 (2023).

    Benjamin Fields & Steven Brint (2023) The Disruption in U.S. Public Higher Education Enrollments, 2009–2019: Sources of Inter-State Variation by Tier, The Journal of Higher Education, 94:2, 256-285, DOI: 10.1080/00221546.2022.2082787

    Brint, Steven. Which Way Universities?. Global Perspectives 6 January 2023; 4 (1): 56935. doi:

    Brint, Steven. (2023). The US “CHIPS and Science” Act Launches Industrial Policy as Counter to China. International Higher Education, (113), 9–10. Retrieved from

    Berg, K. A., DeRenzo, M., Carpiano, Richard M., Lowenstein, I., & Perzynski, A. T. (2023). Go-along interview assessment of community health priorities for neighborhood renewal. American Journal of Community Psychology, 71, 437–452.

    Chi DL, Kerr D, Patiño Nguyen D, Shands ME, Cruz S, Carpiano, Richard, et al. (2023) A conceptual model on caregivers’ hesitancy of topical fluoride for their children. PLOS ONE 18(3): e0282834.

    Sharp G, Carpiano Richard M. (2023) Neighborhood social organization exposures and racial/ethnic disparities in hypertension risk in Los Angeles. PLOS ONE 18(3): e0282648.

    Edwards, TC, Carle, A, Kerr, D, Carpiano, Richard M., Nguyen, DP, Orack, JC, et al. Topical fluoride hesitancy among caregivers: Development of a content-valid topical fluoride hesitancy identification item pool. J Public Health Dent. 2023; 83(1): 116–122.

    Carpiano, Richard M., Callaghan, T., DiResta, R., Brewer, N.T., Clinton, C., Galvani, A.P., Lakshmanan, R., Parmet, W.E., Omer, S.B. Buttenheim, A.M., Benjamin, R.M., Caplan, A., Elharake, J.A., Flowers, L.C., Maldonado, Y.A., Mello, M.M., Opel, D.J., Salmon, D.A., Schwartz, J.L., Sharfstein, J.M., & Hotez, P.J. (2023). Confronting the evolution and expansion of anti-vaccine activism in the United States in the COVID-19 Era. The Lancet, 401(10380), 967-970.

    Opel, D.J., Brewer, N.T., Buttenheim, A.M., Callaghan, T., Carpiano, Richard M., Clinton, C., Elharake, Jad A., Flowers, L.C., Galvani, A.P., Hotez, P.J., Schwartz, J.L., Benjamin, R.M., Caplan, A., DiResta, R., Lakshmanan, R., Maldonado, Y.A., Mello, M.M., Parmet, W.E., Salmon, D.A., Sharfstein, J.M., & Omer, S.B. (2023). The legacy of the COVID-19 pandemic for childhood vaccination in the United States. The Lancet401(10370), 75-78.

    Crosby, Andrew, Todoran, G. S., & Polskaia, P. (2023). The money behind the curtain: Measuring the financial condition of special district governments in illinois. Public Administration Quarterly, 47(2), 132-153. Retrieved from

    Cristina Stanica, Andrew Crosby & Sarah Larson (2023) Trust in Government and COVID-19 Response Policy: A Comparative Approach, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice, 25:2, 156-171, DOI:

    D'Anieri, Paul (2023) Commitment problems and the failure of the Minsk process: the second-order commitment challenge, Post-Soviet Affairs, 39:4, 257-272, DOI: 10.1080/1060586X.2022.2158685

    Aina, Ifedotun Victor & Thiam, Djiby Racine & Dinar, Ariel, 2023. "Hydroeconomic Modelling for Irrigated Agriculture Water Use in the Riviersonderend-Berg River Basin, South Africa," 97th Annual Conference, March 27-29, 2023, Warwick University, Coventry, UK 334573, Agricultural Economics Society - AES.

    Apio, A., Thiam, D., & Dinar, Ariel. (2023). Farming Under Drought: An Analysis of the Factors Influencing Farmers’ Multiple Adoption of Water Conservation Practices to Mitigate Farm-Level Water Scarcity. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 1-39. doi:10.1017/aae.2023.23

    Ifedotun Victor Aina, Djiby Racine Thiam, Ariel Dinar, Economics of household preferences for water-saving technologies in urban South Africa, Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 339, 2023, 117953, ISSN 0301-4797,

    Ifedotun Victor Aina, Djiby Racine Thiam, Ariel Dinar, Substitution of piped water and self-supplied groundwater: The case of residential water in South Africa, Utilities Policy, Volume 80, 2023, 101480, ISSN 0957-1787,

    Esterling, Kevin M.; Brady, David; Schwitzgebel, Eric (2023) : The Necessity of Construct and External Validity for Generalized Causal Claims, I4R Discussion Paper Series, No. 18, Institute for Replication (I4R), s.l..

    Minozzi, W., Kennedy, R., Esterling, Kevin M., Neblo, M.A. and Jewell, R. (2023), Testing the Benefits of Public Deliberation. American Journal of Political Science.

    Esterling, Kevin M., Minozzi, W., & Neblo, M. A. (2023). Does Familiarity Breed Esteem? A Field Experiment on Emergent Attitudes Toward Members of Congress. Political Research Quarterly, 76(1), 173–185.

    Helderop, Edward, Grubesic, Tony H. Analyzing historical development trends to predict future hurricane vulnerability in Tampa, Florida. J Coast Conserv 27, 13 (2023).

    Helderop, Edward, Mack, E. & Grubesic, Tony H. Exploring the invisible water insecurity of water utility shutoffs in Detroit, Michigan. GeoJournal 88, 4175–4188 (2023).

    Edward Helderop, Jake R. Nelson, Tony H. Grubesic, ‘Unmasking’ masked address data: A medoid geocoding solution, MethodsX, Volume 10, 2023, 102090, ISSN 2215-0161,

    Alizadeh, T., Helderop, E., Grubesic, Tony H., & Ferrers, R. (2023). The Multi-Technology Footprint of the National Broadband Network in Australia: Exploring the Urban-Regional Divide and Socio-spatial Patterns for Inequality. International Regional Science Review, 0(0).

    Wangshu Mu, Daoqin Tong, Tony H. Grubesic, Hung-Chi Liu, Edward Helderop, Jennifer A. Miller & Elisa Jayne Bienenstock (2023) Geoforensics with Pollen Quantification: A Spatial Perspective, Annals of the American Association of Geographers, DOI: 10.1080/24694452.2023.2211155

    Wang, H., Miller, J. A., Grubesic, Tony H., & Jha, S. (2023). Using habitat suitability models for multiscale forensic geolocation analysis. Transactions in GIS, 27, 777–796.

    Pardee, Gabriella L., Kimberly M. Ballare, John L. Neff, Lauren Q. Do, DianaJoyce Ojeda, Elisa J. Bienenstock, Berry J. Brosi, Tony H. Grubesic, Jennifer A. Miller, Daoqin Tong, and et al. 2023. "Local and Landscape Factors Influence Plant-Pollinator Networks and Bee Foraging Behavior across an Urban Corridor" Land 12, no. 2: 362.

    Shailesh Tamrakar, Edward Helderop, Jake R. Nelson, Anthony Palladino, David Goldsztajn Farelo, Elisa J. Bienenstock, Tony H. Grubesic, Cosmo J. Guerini, Andrew Valenti, "Correspondence between spectral reflectance and features of the built environment for community resilience," J. Appl. Rem. Sens. 17(1) 018504 (20 February 2023)

    Sean A.P. Clouston, Douglas W. Hanes, Bruce G. Link. Social inequalities and the early provision and dispersal of COVID-19 vaccinations in the United States: A population trends study, Vaccine, Volume 41, Issue 36, 2023, Pages 5322-5329,ISSN 0264-410X,

    Anderson, A. T., Doyle, D. M., Factor-Litvak, P., Cohn, B., & Link, Bruce G. (2023). Racial socialization and discrimination-related psychological distress in middle-aged Black men and women. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. Advance online publication.

    Colen, C. G., Drotning, K. J., Sayer, L. C., & Link, Bruce. (2023). A Matter of Time: Racialized Time and the Production of Health Disparities. Journal of Health and Social Behavior0(0).

    Walters, S. M., Kerr, J., Cano, M., Earnshaw, V., & Link, Bruce. (2023). Intersectional stigma as a fundamental cause of health disparities: A case study of how drug use stigma intersecting with racism and xenophobia creates health inequities for Black and Hispanic persons who use drugs over time. Stigma and Health, 8(3), 325–343.

    Link, Bruce G. (2023). On the history and growth of the stigma concept: A reflection on the positioning of social relationships in stigma research. Journal of Social Issues, 79, 528–535.

    Batayeh, B., Shelton, R., Factor-Litvak, P., Link, Bruce. Racial Disparities in Avoidant Coping and Hypertension Among Midlife Adults. J. Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities 10, 410–417 (2023).

    Herrera, S. N., Larsen, E. M., Deluca, J. S., Crump, F. M., Grivel, M., Blasco, D., Bryant, C., Shapiro, D. I., Downing, D., Girgis, R. R., Brucato, G., Huang, D., Kufert, Y., Verdi, M., West, M. L., Seidman, L. J., Link, Bruce G., McFarlane, W. R., Woodberry, K. A., . . . Corcoran, C. M. (2023). The association between mental health stigma and face emotion recognition in individuals at risk for psychosis. Stigma and Health, 8(1), 31–39.

    Miranda L. Aiken, Clare E. Pace, Maithili Ramachandran, Kurt A. Schwabe, Hoori Ajami, Bruce G. Link, and Samantha C. Ying. Disparities in Drinking Water Manganese Concentrations in Domestic Wells and Community Water Systems in the Central Valley, CA, USA. Environmental Science & Technology 2023 57 (5), 1987-1996. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.2c08548

    Conger, D, Long, Mark C., McGhee Jr., R. “Advanced Place­ment and Initial College Enrollment: Evidence from an Experiment.” Education Finance and Policy 18(1), 52-73, 2023.

    Nemati, Mehdi, Tran, D., & Schwabe, Kurt. (2023). Residential water conservation and the rebound effect: A temporal decomposition and investigation. Water Resources Research, 59, e2022WR032169.

    Buck, Steven, Nemati, Mehdi, and Sunding, David. 2023. “ Consumer welfare consequences of the California drought conservation mandate.” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 45(1): 510–533.

    Zhuanlin Wang, Mehdi Nemati, Jinxia Wang & Ariel Dinar (2023) Does farm size matter for participation in a land fallowing policy? Evidence from China, Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy, DOI: 10.1080/21606544.2023.2171494

    Newman, Benjamin J., Reny, T.T. & Merolla, J.L. Race, Prejudice and Support for Racial Justice Countermovements: The Case of “Blue Lives Matter”. Polit Behav (2023).

    John V Kane , Benjamin J Newman, What They Have but Also Who They Are: Avarice, Elitism, and Public Support for Taxing the Rich, Public Opinion Quarterly, Volume 87, Issue 2, Summer 2023, Pages 402–414,

    Oselin, Sharon S., Mahutga, M. C., & Flores, H. (2023). Day Reporting Centers and Recidivism: The Role of Social Support. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 0(0).

    Harari, L., Oselin, Sharon S., & Link, Bruce G. (2023). The Power of Self-Labels: Examining Self-Esteem Consequences for Youth with Mental Health Problems. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 0(0).

    Cassady, A., Anderson, K. E., Schwabe, Kurt A., & Regan, H. M. (2023). The intersection of wastewater treatment plants and threatened and endangered species in California, USA watersheds. Water Resources Research, 59, e2022WR033976.

    Qingfang Wang, Wei Kang. (2023) Small businesses and government assistance during COVID-19: Evidence from the paycheck protection program in the U.S.. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 20, pages 0308518X2311664.

    Yu, W. and Wang, Qingfang. 2023. Transnational or Not: COVID Pandemic and Chinese Academic Migrants. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies

    Wang, Qingfang, & Kang, W. (2023). Small businesses and government assistance during COVID-19: Evidence from the paycheck protection program  in the U.S. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space0(0).

    Lysenko, T., Wang, Qingfang. College location and labor market outcomes for STEM graduates in the US. GeoJournal 88, 1469–1491 (2023).

    Wei, Ran, Knaap, E. & Rey, S. American Community Survey (ACS) Data Uncertainty and the Analysis of Segregation Dynamics. Popul Res Policy Rev 42, 5 (2023).

    Ran Wei, Yujia Zhang, Song Gao, Brandon J. Brown, Songhua Hu, Bruce G. Link, Health disparity in the spread of COVID-19: Evidence from social distancing, risk of interactions, and access to testing, Health & Place, Volume 82, 2023, 103031, ISSN 1353-8292,

    Glass NE, Salvi A, Wei Ran, et al. Association of Transport Time, Proximity, and Emergency Department Pediatric Readiness With Pediatric Survival at US Trauma Centers. JAMA Surg. Published online August 09, 2023. doi:10.1001/jamasurg.2023.3344

    Craig D. Newgard, Susan Malveau, N. Clay Mann, Matthew Hansen, Benjamin Lang, Amber Lin, Brendan G. Carr, Cherisse Berry, Kyle Buchwalder, E. Brooke Lerner, Hilary A. Hewes, Shana Kusin, Mengtao Dai & Ran Wei (2023) A Geospatial Evaluation of 9-1-1 Ambulance Transports for Children and Emergency Department Pediatric Readiness, Prehospital Emergency Care, 27:2, 252-262, DOI: 10.1080/10903127.2022.2064020

    Danielle Wallace, Edward Helderop, Anthony Grubesic, Jason Walker, Xiaoyue Cathy Liu, Ran Wei, Yirong Zhou & Connor Stewart (2023) A two-step process to increase successful geocoding in publicly available police stop data, Police Practice and Research, 24:4, 509-515, DOI: 10.1080/15614263.2023.2181169

    J.R. Nelson, Edward Helderop, Tony Grubesic, Ran Wei, Examining the relationship between contested edges and intergroup crime dynamics, Cities, Volume 136, 2023, 104260, ISSN 0264-2751,

    Jing Xu, Alan T. Murray, Richard L. Church, Ran Wei, Service allocation equity in location coverage analytics, European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 305, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 21-37, ISSN 0377-2217,

    Yirong Zhou, Ran Wei, Xiaoyue Cathy Liu, Danielle Wallace, Tony Grubesic, Delineating race-specific driving patterns for identifying racial segregation, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Volume 119, 2023, 103769, ISSN 1361-9209,

    Zhiyan Yi, Bingkun Chen, Xiaoyue Cathy Liu, Ran Wei, Jianli Chen, Zhuo Chen, An agent-based modeling approach for public charging demand estimation and charging station location optimization at urban scale, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Volume 101, 2023, 101949, ISSN 0198-9715,

  • 2022

    Tchounwou PB, Malouhi M, Ofili EO, Fernández-Repollet E, Sarpong DF, Yanagihara R, Aguilera RJ, Ayón Cecilia, Chen X, Dasmahapatra A, et al. Research Infrastructure Core Facilities at Research Centers in Minority Institutions: Part I—Research Resources Management, Operation, and Best Practices. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022; 19(24):16979.

    Ayón, Cecilia, Ellis, B. D., Hagan, M. J., Enriquez, L. E., & Offidani-Bertrand, C. (2022). Mental health help-seeking among Latina/o/x undocumented college students. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology. Advance online publication.

    Cecilia Ayón, Elizabeth Kiehne, Nos Quieren Sacar para Fuera: Older Undocumented Immigrants’ Perceptions of Living in the United States, Social Work Research, Volume 46, Issue 4, December 2022, Pages 317–331,

    Tanya Nieri, Cecilia Ayón, Min Yoo & Megan Webb (2022) Perceived ethnic discrimination, ethnic-racial socialization, and substance use among ethnic minority adolescents, Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 21:1, 70-89, DOI: 10.1080/15332640.2019.1707141

    Brady, David, Guerra, C., Kohler, U., & Link, Bruce. (2022). The Long Arm of Prospective Childhood Income for Mature Adult Health in the United States. Journal of Health and Social Behavior63(4), 543–559.

    VanHeuvelen, T., & Brady, David. (2022). Labor Unions and American Poverty. ILR Review75(4), 891–917.

    Biegert, T., Brady, David, & Hipp, L. (2022). Cross-National Variation in the Relationship between Welfare Generosity and Single Mother Employment. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 702(1), 37–54.

    Baker, R.S., Brady, David, Parolin, Z. et al. The Enduring Significance of Ethno-Racial Inequalities in Poverty in the U.S., 1993–2017. Popul Res Policy Rev 41, 1049–1083 (2022).

    Brady, David (2022) : Income and wealth as salient gradational aspects of stratification, LIS Working Paper Series, No. 845, Luxembourg Income Study (LIS), Luxembourg.

    Brint, Steven. (2022). 8. The Post-Industrial University as We Know It: Daniel Bell’s Vision, Today’s Realities. In Defining the Age: Daniel Bell, His Time and Ours (pp. 216-241). New York Chichester, West Sussex: Columbia University Press.

    Brint, Steven, Ilhan, A.O. Conceptions of Professionalism in U.S. Research Universities: Evidence from the gradSERU Survey. Minerva 60, 535–565 (2022).

    Brint, Steven. (2022). Challenges for higher education in the United States: The cost problem and a comparison of remedies. European Journal of Education, 57, 181–198.

    Brint, Steven. (2022). U.S. Universities Under the Microscope. Contexts, 21(1), 32–39.

    Brint, Steven, Curran, M., & Mahutga, M. C. (2022). Are U.S. Professionals and Managers More Left Than Blue-Collar Workers? An Analysis of the General Social Survey, 1974 to 2018. Socius, 8.

    Devon Greyson, Richard M. Carpiano, Julie A. Bettinger, Support for a vaccination documentation mandate in British Columbia, Canada, Vaccine, Volume 40, Issue 51, 2022, Pages 7415-7425, ISSN 0264-410X,

    Gazzaz, A.Z., Carpiano, Richard M., Laronde, D.M. et al. Parental psychosocial factors, unmet dental needs and preventive dental care in children and adolescents with special health care needs: A stress process model. BMC Oral Health 22, 282 (2022).

    Mello, M.M., Opel, D.J., Benjamin, R.M., Callaghan, T., DiResta, R., Elharake, J.A., Flowers, L.C., Galvani, A.P., Salmon, D.A., Schwartz, J.L., Brewer, N.T., Buttenheim, A.M., Carpiano, Richard M., Clinton, C., Hotez, P.J., Lakshmanan, R., Maldonado, Y.A., Omer, S.B., Sharfstein, J.M., & Caplan, A. (2022). Effectiveness of vaccination mandates in improving uptake of COVID-19 vaccines in the United States. The Lancet, 400(10351), 535-538.

    Noel T. Brewer, Alison M. Buttenheim, Chelsea V. Clinton, Michelle M. Mello, Regina M. Benjamin, Timothy Callaghan, Arthur Caplan, Richard M. Carpiano, Renee DiResta, Jad A. Elharake, Lisa C. Flowers, Alison P. Galvani, Peter J. Hotez, Rekha Lakshmanan, Yvonne A. Maldonado, Saad B. Omer, Daniel A. Salmon, Jason L. Schwartz, Joshua M. Sharfstein, Douglas J. Opel, Incentives for COVID-19 vaccination, The Lancet Regional Health - Americas, Volume 8, 2022, 100205, ISSN 2667-193X,

    Salmon, D.A., Elharake, J.A., Brewer, N.T., Carpiano, Richard M., DiResta, R., Maldonado, Y.A., Sgaier, S.K., & Omer, S.B. for the Commissioners of the Lancet Commission on Vaccine Refusal, Acceptance, and Demand in the USA. (2022). Vaccine verification in the COVID-19 world. The Lancet Regional Health – Americas6, 100161, February 1, 2022.

    Robynn J A Cox, PhD , Robert B Wallace, MD, The Role of Incarceration as a Risk Factor for Cognitive Impairment, The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, Volume 77, Issue 12, December 2022, Pages e247–e262,

    Kass, A., Crosby, Andrew., & Parker, B. (2022). A vicious cycle: Fiscal intervention, pension underfunding, and instability in (re)making racialized geographies. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 0(0).

    Ihor Hurak & Paul D’Anieri (2022) The Evolution of Russian Political Tactics in Ukraine, Problems of Post-Communism, 69:2, 121-132, DOI: 10.1080/10758216.2020.1819162

    Allaire, M., Dinar, Ariel. What Drives Water Utility Selection of Pricing Methods? Evidence from California. Water Resour Manage 36, 153–169 (2022).

    Dinar, Ariel, Quinn NWT. Developing a Decision Support System for Regional Agricultural Nonpoint Salinity Pollution Management: Application to the San Joaquin River, California. Water. 2022; 14(15):2384.

    Albiac, Jose and Crespo, Daniel and Dinar, Ariel and Esteban, Encarna and Kahil, Taher, Hydro-economic Analysis of Ecosystems Benefits for Sustainable Management in the Ebro Basin, Spain, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2022, Dec, H33F-03,

    Crespo, Daniel, Albiac J, Dinar, Ariel, Esteban E, Kahil T (2022) Integrating ecosystem benefits for sustainable water allocation in hydroeconomic modeling. PLOS ONE 17(5): e0267439.

    Crespo, Daniel and Albiac, Jose and Dinar, Ariel and Esteban, Encarna and Kahil, Taher, Assessing Environmental Benefits in the Hydro-economic Model of the Ebro Basin, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2022, May, EGU22-6982, EGU22-6982,

    Ortiz-Correa, J.S., Dinar, Ariel. Civil war's impact on the environment and on access to water and sanitation services: the case of Colombia. Sustain. Water Resour. Manag. 8, 151 (2022).

    Reznik, Ami, Dinar, Ariel. 2022. “ Local conditions and the economic feasibility of urban wastewater recycling in irrigated agriculture: Lessons from a stochastic regional analysis in California.” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 44(4): 2115–2130.

    Reznik, A., Dinar, Ariel, Bresney, S., Forni, L., Joyce, B., Wallander, S., et al. (2022). Institutions and the economic efficiency of managed aquifer recharge as a mitigation strategy against drought impacts on irrigated agriculture in California. Water Resources Research, 58, e2021WR031261.

    Baccour, Safa and Albiac, Jose and Kahil, Taher and Esteban, Encarna and Crespo, Daniel and Dinar, Ariel, Assessing Management Policies to Confront Water Scarcity and Pollution Challenges in the Ebro River Basin Using Hydroeconomic Modeling, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2022, Dec, H16B-04, H16B-04,

    Quinn, Nigel W. T., Ariel Dinar, and Vamsi Sridharan. 2022. "Decision Support Tools for Water Quality Management" Water 14, no. 22: 3644.

    Esterling, Kevin M., William Minozzi and Michael A. Neblo. 2022. “Does Familiarity Breed Esteem? A Field Experiment on Emergent Attitudes Toward Members of Congress.” Political Research Quarterly.

    A. Irani, Kevin M. Esterling, M. Faloutsos and D. Pagliaccia, "Wheats the Deal? Understanding the GMO debate in online forums," 2022 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), Istanbul, Turkey, 2022, pp. 514-517, doi: 10.1109/ASONAM55673.2022.10068702.

    Esterling, Kevin. (2022). Congress Overwhelmed: The Decline in Congressional Capacity and Prospects for Reform. Edited by Timothy M. LaPira, Lee Drutman, and Kevin R. Kosar. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2020. 352p. $105.00 cloth, $35.00 paper. Perspectives on Politics, 20(3), 1106-1107. doi:

    Grubesic, Tony H., and Kelly M. Durbin. 2022. "Breastfeeding, Community Vulnerability, Resilience, and Disasters: A Snapshot of the United States Gulf Coast" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19, no. 19: 11847.

    Helderop Edward, Grubesic Tony H., Roe-Sepowitz D, Sefair JA. Prostitution Arrest Spatial Forecasting in an Era of Increasing Decriminalization. Urban Science. 2023; 7(1):2.

    Helderop, Edward, Grubesic, Tony H. Hurricane storm surge: toward a normalized damage index for coastal regions. Nat Hazards 110, 1179–1197 (2022).

    Edward Helderop & Tony H. Grubesic, 2022. "Cluster identification," Chapters, in: Sergio J. Rey & Rachel S. Franklin (ed.), Handbook of Spatial Analysis in the Social Sciences, chapter 14, pages 245-261, Edward Elgar Publishing.

    A. Sen, Tony H. Grubesic, et al., "Human Trafficking Interdiction Problem: A Data Driven Approach to Modeling and Analysis," 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST), Boston, MA, USA, 2022, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/HST56032.2022.10025431.

    Caroline Stratton, Tony H. Grubesic & Edward Helderop (2022) Google Fiber Community Connections: Promises, pitfalls, and outcomes in Austin, Texas, Journal of Urban Affairs, 44:10, 1507-1525, DOI: 10.1080/07352166.2020.1820872

    Elizabeth A. Mack, Edward Helderop, Thomas Keene, Scott Loveridge, John Mann, Tony H. Grubesic, Brian Kowalkowski, Miranda Gollnow, A longitudinal analysis of broadband provision in tribal areas, Telecommunications Policy, Volume 46, Issue 5,
    2022, 102333, ISSN 0308-5961,

    H. Wang, J. A. Miller, Tony H. Grubesic and S. Jha, "A Framework for Using Ensemble Species Distribution Models for Geographic Attribution in Forensic Palynology," 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST), Boston, MA, USA, 2022, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/HST56032.2022.10025427.

    Jake R. Nelson, Elisa J. Bienenstock, Anthony Palladino, Eduardo Barrera & Tony H. Grubesic (2022) Social infrastructure as a proxy for social capital: A spatial exploration into model specification and measurement impacts in Los Angeles, California, Journal of Urban Affairs, DOI: 10.1080/07352166.2022.2133724

    J.R. Nelson, A. Lu, J.P. Maestre, E.J. Palmer, D. Jarma, K.A. Kinney, Tony H. Grubesic, M.J. Kirisits, Space-time analysis of COVID-19 cases and SARS-CoV-2 wastewater loading: A geodemographic perspective, Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology, Volume 42, 2022, 100521, ISSN 1877-5845,

    Shailesh Tamrakar, Edward Helderop, Jake R. Nelson, Anthony Palladino, David Goldsztajn Farelo, Elisa J. Bienenstock, Tony H. Grubesic, Andrew Valenti, "Correspondence between spectral reflectance and features of the built environment for community resilience," Proc. SPIE 12099, Geospatial Informatics XII, 1209902 (27 May 2022);

    Towers, S., Wallace, D., Walker, J. Grubesic, Tonyet al. A study of SARS-COV-2 outbreaks in US federal prisons: the linkage between staff, incarcerated populations, and community transmission. BMC Public Health 22, 482 (2022).

    Tony H. Grubesic, Jake R. Nelson, Estimating potential oil spill trajectories and coastal impacts from near-shore storage facilities: A case study of FSO Nabarima and the Gulf of Paria, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Volume 78, 2022, 103117, ISSN 2212-4209,

    Tony H. Grubesic, Edward Helderop, California’s digital divide and the specter of data uncertainty for evaluating broadband coverage, Telematics and Informatics, Volume 71, 2022, 101837, ISSN 0736-5853,

    Qing Zhong, Jake R. Nelson, Daoqin Tong, Tony H. Grubesic, A spatial optimization approach to increase the accuracy of rooftop solar energy assessments, Applied Energy, Volume 316, 2022, 119128, ISSN 0306-2619,

    Rydland, H.T., Friedman, J., Stringhini, S., Link, Bruce, et al. The radically unequal distribution of Covid-19 vaccinations: a predictable yet avoidable symptom of the fundamental causes of inequality. Humanit Soc Sci Commun 9, 61 (2022).

    Smith, M.L., Hoven, C.W., Cheslack-Postava, K., Link, al. Arrest history, stigma, and self-esteem: a modified labeling theory approach to understanding how arrests impact lives. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 57, 1849–1860 (2022).

    Yang, L.H., Eschliman, E.L., Mehta, H., Link, al. A pilot pragmatic trial of a “what matters most”-based intervention targeting intersectional stigma related to being pregnant and living with HIV in Botswana. AIDS Res Ther 19, 26 (2022).

    Villatoro, A. P., DuPont-Reyes, M. J., Phelan, J. C., & Link, Bruce G. (2022). “Me” versus “them”: How mental illness stigma influences adolescent help-seeking behaviors for oneself and recommendations for peers. Stigma and Health, 7(3), 300–310.

    Shakira F. Suglia, Ryan Saelee, Iridian A. Guzmán, Leonie K. Elsenburg, Cari Jo Clark, Bruce G. Link, Karestan C. Koenen, Child socioeconomic status, childhood adversity and adult socioeconomic status in a nationally representative sample of young adults, SSM - Population Health, Volume 18, 2022, 101094, ISSN 2352-8273,

    Jordan E. DeVylder, Deidre M. Anglin, Lisa Bowleg, Lisa Fedina, Bruce G. Link. Police Violence and Public Health. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology 2022 18:1, 527-552.

    Katrina L. Kezios, Shakira F. Suglia, David Matthew Doyle, Ezra Susser, Gary Bradwin, Piera Cirillo, Barbara Cohn, Bruce Link, Pam Factor-Litvak, Comparing different operationalizations of allostatic load measured in mid-life and their patterning by race and cumulative life course socioeconomic status, Psychoneuroendocrinology, Volume 139, 2022, 105689, ISSN 0306-4530,

    Maya Sabatello, Bree Martin, Thomas Corbeil, Seonjoo Lee, Bruce G. Link & Paul S. Appelbaum (2022) Nature vs. Nurture in Precision Education: Insights of Parents and the Public, AJOB Empirical Bioethics, 13:2, 79-88, DOI: 10.1080/23294515.2021.1983666

    Harris, M. N., Baumann, M. L., Teasdale, B., & Link, Bruce G. (2022). Estimating the Relationship Between Perceived Stigma and Victimization of People With Mental Illness. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 37(3–4), NP1226–NP1252.

    Subica, A., & Link, Bruce. (2022). Cultural trauma as a fundamental cause of health disparities. UC Riverside. Report #: 114574. Retrieved from

    DuPont-Reyes, M., Villatoro, A. P., Datzman, J., Phelan, J. C., Painter, K., Barkin, K., & Link, Bruce G. (2022). Inequities gone or enduring? evaluating the effects of a school-based antistigma intervention on race/ethnic and gender intersectional disparities in mental illness stigma. Stigma and Health, doi:

    Andrew M. Subica, Bruce G. Link, Cultural trauma as a fundamental cause of health disparities, Social Science & Medicine, Volume 292, 2022, 114574, ISSN 0277-9536,

    Long, Mark C., Pelletier, E, Romich, J. Constructing Monthly Residential Locations of Adults Using Merged State Administrative Data. Population Studies, 76(2), 253-272, 2022.

    Long, Mark C., “Seattle's Local Minimum Wage and Earnings Inequality”. Economic Inquiry, 60(2), 528-542, 2022.

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    Jardim, Ekaterina, Mark C. Long, Robert Plotnick, Emma van Inwegen, Jacob Vigdor, and Hilary Wething. 2022. "Minimum-Wage Increases and Low-Wage Employment: Evidence from Seattle." American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 14 (2): 263-314.
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    Nemati, Mehdi, and Dat Tran. 2022. "The Impact of COVID-19 on Urban Water Consumption in the United States" Water 14, no. 19: 3096.

    Lee, J., Nemati, Mehdi. & Sanchez, J.J. Assessing the Vulnerability of California Water Utilities to Wildfires. Water Resour Manage 36, 4183–4199 (2022).

    Lee, J, Nemati, Mehdi, Dinar, Ariel. Historical trends of residential water use in California: Effects of droughts and conservation policies. Appl Econ Perspect Policy. 2022; 44: 511–530.

    Nemati, Mehdi and Schwabe, Kurt. 2023. “ Re-examining the water affordability: A comparison of alternative measures.” Journal of the American Water Resources Association 59(2): 356–375.

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    Benjamin J Newman, Economic Inequality, the Working Poor, and Belief in the American Dream, Public Opinion Quarterly, Volume 86, Issue 4, Winter 2022, Pages 944–954,

    Reny, T., & Newman, Benjamin. (2022). The Opinion-Mobilizing Effect of Social Protest against Police Violence: Evidence from the 2020 George Floyd Protests – CORRIGENDUM. American Political Science Review, 116(3), 1161-1164. doi:10.1017/S0003055422000235

    Oselin, Sharon S., & Hail-Jares, K. (2022). It’s Not Just Sex: Relational Dynamics between Street-Based Sex Workers and Their Regular Customers. Work, Employment and Society36(5), 893–910.

    Sharon S Oselin and others, “Different Strolls, Different Worlds? Gentrification and its Impact on Outdoor Sex Work”, Social Problems, Volume 69, Issue 1, February 2022, Pages 282–298,

    Schwabe, Kurt. "Reexamining water affordability: A comparison of alternative measures." (w/ Nemati, M) Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 2022.

    Schwabe, Kurt. "The Salton Sea: An introduction to an evolving system and the role of science." California Agriculture, 76(1):4-7. 2022.

    Schwabe, Kurt. "Evaluating health outcome metrics and their connections to air pollution and vulnerability in Southern California's Coachella Valley." (w/ Miao Y, Porter WC, and LeComte-Hinely J.) Science of the Total Environment, 2022.

    Escriva-Bou, Alvar and Dettinger, Michael D. and Schwabe, Kurt and Medellin-Azuara, Josue and Grantham, Theodore and Mount, Jeff and Hanak, Ellen, Linking Drought Indicators to Multi-Sectoral Impacts in Complex Water Systems, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2022, Dec, H42E-1304, H42E-1304,

    Kang, W. and Wang, Qingfang. 2022. The Impact of COVID-19 on Small Businesses in the US: A Longitudinal Study from a Regional Perspective. International Regional Science Review, 01600176221132230.

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    Lysenko, T., Wang, Qingfang. College location and labor market outcomes for STEM graduates in the US. GeoJournal 88, 1469–1491 (2023).

    Wei, Ran, Rey, S. and Grubesic, Tony H. (2022), A Probabilistic Approach to Address Data Uncertainty in Regionalization. Geogr Anal, 54: 405-426.

    Ran Wei, Xin Feng, Sergio Rey, Elijah Knaap, Reducing racial segregation of public school districts, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Volume 84, 2022, 101415, ISSN 0038-0121,

    Ran Wei, 2022. "Exploratory spatial data analysis," Chapters, in: Sergio J. Rey & Rachel S. Franklin (ed.), Handbook of Spatial Analysis in the Social Sciences, chapter 18, pages 305-321, Edward Elgar Publishing.

    Feng, Xin, Barcelos, Germano, Gaboardi, James D., Knaap, Elijah, Wei, Ran, Wolf, Levi J., Zhao, Qunshan, & Rey, Sergio J.. spopt: a python package for solving spatial optimization problems in PySAL. United States.

    Jing Xu, Alan T. Murray, Richard L. Church, Ran Wei, A heuristic algorithm for balancing workloads in coverage modeling, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, Volume 92, 2022, 101746, ISSN 0198-9715,

    Feng, X., Rey, S., & Wei, Ran. (2022). The max-p-compact-regions problem. Transactions in GIS, 26, 717–734.

    Zhiyan Yi, Xiaoyue Cathy Liu, Ran Wei, Xi Chen & Jiangpeng Dai (2022) Electric vehicle charging demand forecasting using deep learning model, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 26:6, 690-703, DOI: 10.1080/15472450.2021.1966627

    Zuzhao Ye, Nanpeng Yu, Ran Wei, Xiaoyue Cathy Liu, Decarbonizing regional multi-model transportation system with shared electric charging hubs, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Volume 144, 2022, 103881, ISSN 0968-090X,

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