Solutions for the Region,
Solutions for the World


Neumann Seminar

Former Ambassador Speaks on Foreign Policy Under Trump Administration

by Divya Bharadwaj 

The UC Riverside School of Public Policy is hosting former U.S. Ambassador Ronald E. Neumann (Class of '66 and ‘67 and recipient of the Distinguished Alumni Award) for the inaugural talk of its Distinguished Lecture Series on the evolving landscape of foreign policy under President Donald Trump.

This event is happening amidst changes in foreign policy, including tariffs, cuts to foreign aid, shifts in the NATO alliance, US withdrawal from WHO, and more. Foreign policy has vast implications, which will be explored throughout this event.

Neumann will be drawing upon his experience in various countries, such as Algeria, Bahrain, and Iraq to examine and understand the misconceptions about U.S. foreign policy.

Neumann is the president of the American Academy of Diplomacy and was instrumental in the establishment of the inaugural cohort of the Robert Heath Global Policy Program, which was launched this past December by the UCR School of Public Policy.

“Personally, attending the Robert Heath Global Policy Program was a turning point,” said Dori Pham, a Heath Global Policy Scholar. “I initially leaned towards economic policy, but after interacting with ambassadors and witnessing the profound influence of international policy on people’s lives, my focus shifted. That experience not only broadened my understanding of global affairs but also inspired me to steer my educational journey toward international policy, where I now see the opportunity to make a tangible impact.”

Pham will be serving as emcee as well for the lecture. “I believe students will gain firsthand insight into the transformative role of international policy. They’ll discover how global diplomatic efforts and real-world examples—like the impactful work of ambassadors—connect to everyday issues and shape societies,” he said.

The event will be held on Friday, March 7th from 1:30 to 4 p.m. in the School of Medicine Education Building II Room 205. It is free and open to the public with registration.



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About the UCR School of Public Policy
Since 2014, the UCR School of Public Policy has been bringing policy makers, practitioners, and researchers to campus to talk about various policy issues facing the region and beyond. For more information about events open to the general community, visit

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