Solutions for the Region,
Solutions for the World

    From April 12-14, the UCR School of Public Policy will be co-hosting the 2024 National Science Policy Symposium in conjunction with UCR Science to Policy and the National Science Policy Network

    The three-day-long event will address questions about the future within policy areas such as public health, climate change, and more. The symposium will focus on exploring the theme “Local to Global Innovation: Science Policy for a Prosperous Future.” It will offer panel discussions, skill building workshops, a poster session, a career fair, and networking opportunities. 

    “Our goal for the National Science Policy Symposium was to have something for everybody, whether you are new to science policy or an expert in your field,” said Jenna Roper, PhD Candidate in Bioengineering. Chair, Science to Policy Student Cabinet. “We hope it sparks meaningful conversations and allows people to make good connections… We hope attendees are motivated to elevate their science and become more engaged in the world of public policy.”

    Learn more about the symposium and register by visiting the event website

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